4WD Encounter
Mud Photo Gallery
(click on any photo for a larger version)

Landcruiser BJ42 going for a swim!

Is there any mud in Belgium?

A couple of very proud LandCruiser owners in Belgium. I am sure that once they put it into 4WD, this BJ42 would have just driven out of that - not! I wonder who washes their clothes!

Tracks of Lake Johnson Region

The Tracks of the Lake Johnson region!

This is an example of the tracks of the Lake Johnson region after the heavy rains of winter. Most of the tracks turn to mud, and are underwater, and are usually closed to traffic for several weeks in the wet season.

Mud Slick

Mud Slicks!

An example of how a brand new 4WD tyre can turn into a slick when mud is encountered, causing complete loss of traction.

Cruiser on a mud hill!

Mud Hill Climb!

Even diff locks could not help Mark get his cruise up this hill. The mud was just too slippery! But he did get up in the end, with a bit of a run-up!

Feroza stuck on it's belly!

More ground clearance needed!

Help! Give me a push please! This Daihatsu Feroza is sitting on it's belly and in need of a push!

Feroza needing a push!

How about a push!

The ground clearance was again a bit low for this track, but a bit of a push and it was "on the road again"!

One very boggy track!

Mud Everywhere!

An example of what happens to the tracks around Harvey in WA's south west after rain! This track was the only way out, and we all had to go through it. We were stuck here for over an hour getting 2 vehicles out!

Geoff's crusier stuck deep in mud!

Geoff's Cruiser stuck

Still in Harvey, this shows how bad (and deep) the mud can become. We broke a snatch rope trying to get this 60 series cruiser out!

Geoff's crusier on the way to being bogged!

Geoff's Cruiser still stuck!

Another angle of Geoff's cruiser, still on the same muddy track in Harvey. It took over an hour to get the one out, as the more we tried, the deeper it sank!

Getting very sideways!

Getting sideways on a hill climb!

This Daihatsu Feroza became very sideways when trying to climb this muddy slope. Trying to steer is difficult in muddy rutted tracks.

Click here for the Big picture!

Alan's Cruiser in a deep muddy puddle

Alan's cruiser trying to head along the track from Mundaring towards york, in the middle of winter on a rainy day!

Try to drive up this!

Try driving up this!

Alan's cruiser trying to drive up one of the challenging obstacles along the Mundaring to York track

More muddy trails!

More muddy ditches to cross!

An example of what the Mundaring to York track can look like after some rainfall. Very muddy and slippery!

Cruiser on a dark muddy trail

Alan's Cruiser on a dark muddy track

Alan's cruiser travelling along a muddy track near lake Jasper in West Australia's south west, as the sun goes down.

Mark's cruiser negotiating deep mud holes.

Mark's Cruiser in a deep mud hole

This shows Mark's cruiser going through a deep mud hole at Jumilar.

Mark's crusier tackling mud!

Even crusiers get stuck!

Some mud is just too deep. Here, Mark's crusier has it's belly firmly on the ground, leaving very little traction for the wheels.

Jackaroo in Mud at Jumimar

Jackaroo in mud!

Alan's Holden Jackaroo travelling along a rutted mud track.

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 These pages were last updated on 2nd October 1999.
Hits since 3rd June 1998: Hit Me!