4WD Encounter
Black Point to Lake Jasper Track

Crystal clear water of Lake Jasper. Click for big picture!This describes how to get from the Bussell Hwy, to Black Point, then on to Lake Jasper and back to the Vasse highway. This trip takes in the scenery of the Scott National Park's "4WD country" and includes some gravel roads, sandy tracks, easy hill climbs, coastal views, then finally, the awesome Lake Jasper. This trip starts on the Bussell highway, at the Nannup turnoff (Brockman Highway), which is between Margaret River and Augusta. Although this route is passable with full tyre pressure, I would suggest letting your tyres down to say 20psi when the track gets sandy, to avoid cutting the track up.

0Km Start at Petrol station at corner of Bussell Hwy and Brockman Hwy, heading East
14.8 Turn right into Cortny Road, which is Bitumen
19.5 Turn left into East Augustus Road, gravel
21.6 Turn right into Scott Road, which is Bitumen
24.6 Road becomes gravel
26.4 Pass road on left, continue ahead
30.2 Turn left into track named Milyianup Road. Do not follow the main road which veers sharp right. Sign says Scott National Park. This is a single lane, sandy track, which has many bends and hills - caution.
40.4 Y-junction, veer left staying on main track
41.3 Track becomes good condition gravel. Up to 80Kph.
42.5 Turn right at T-junction into Woodaburup Road
42.8 Y-junction, continue ahead on main track. Sign says "Welcome to 4x4 country"
49.6 Pass sign saying "Gingilup Swamps Nature Reserve". Good condition sandy track.
52.3 Track deteriorates. Becomes sandy and corrugated
53.2 Boggy sand patch, and small hill climb
55.4 Pass cross road, continue ahead. Road then veers to the left and becomes corrugated
56.8 Enter a thickly vegetated thicket. Several small hills follow.
59.3 Turn right into track. Do not go ahead into no thru road. Small hill climb follows, which can be rutted at times.
60.8 Enter D'Entrecasteaux National Park
64.0 Turn right at intersection towards Black Point. (Note: left at intersection goes through swamp land, and is in-passible in winter. Straight ahead at intersection goes to Lake Jasper, as described later in these notes)
66.2 Pass several tracks going off to campsites, continue ahead. Several boggy patches, may need 1st gear high is Ok
66.4 Arrive at Black Point campsite, overlooking beach. Equipped with BBQs & toilet. Great view, fishing and surfing. After taking in the scenery of Black Point, head back out the same track, back to the intersection of 64k.
68.8 Turn right at intersection towards Lake Jasper. You are now back on the same track (Wappett Track). Track can be a bit boggy for the next few Ks
75.5 Nice view of the ocean on the right
76.7 Turn Right at T-Junction towards Lake Jasper. (Note: turning right at T-Junction takes you to Jasper Beach, but I ran out of time on this trip!)
78.7 Vegetation becomes very thick and lush, as you go through a swampy area
81.5 Track goes down a hill. You get your first glimpse of Lake Jasper to the left.
81.7 Dense scrub around a side track!Take side track to get around fallen tree. Sign says "warning vehicle damage due to branches" so proceed with caution. If your vehicle has a roof rack, remember to allow for it's height when going under low branches!
82.5 Turn Left at the T-Junction
84.3 Veer left at the slight Y-Junction. Watch out for low overhanging branches.
87.0 Clearing, possibly a campsite.
87.2 Turn left at T-Junction towards Lake Jasper. (Note: Right at T-Junction is Scott Road, which is the way out)
89.8 Sign says "welcome to Lake Jasper". Veer right at Y-Junction
91.8 Crystal clear water of Lake JasperTurn Left onto short track to a white sandy beach on the side of the Lake. This is a top spot for a swim, Kayak, lunch, getting a tan, etc. When you are ready to leave, follow the same track out, back to the T-Junction.
96.5 Turn Left at the T-Junction into Scott Road, towards the Vasse Highway
97.4 Pass track on the left that leads to Lake Wilson
98.0 Pass track on the left that leads to Lake Smith. Track gets better now, up to 40Kph
100.9 Pass track on the left called "Pneumonia Road"
103.2 Pass track on left. This track leads to a monster river crossing of extreme difficulty. Don't attempt unless you are driving a Hummer, with a Unimog recovery vehicle!
103.6 Scenic Log Bridge!Cross over Donnelly River on an old log bridge. Note: The load on this bridge is 5 Tonnes, which is about 2 vehicles. I would suggest 1 vehicle at a time though, as it is getting old. The Load is NOT 5 Toyotas, as someone has written on the sign!!! This is a great photo spot.
103.7 Exit D'Entrecasteaux National Park
103.8 Take detour around fallen tree
104.9 Pass track on right called Klee Road. rack becomes gravel now.
105.5 Pass road on left, continue ahead
106.2 Pass tracks on both sides. Continue ahead on main track.
107.7 End of track. T-Junction at bitumen road, which is the Vasse Highway. Turn Right for Pemberton, Left for Nannup.

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 These pages were last updated on 8th April 1999.
Hits since 29th October 1998: Hit Me!