4WD Encounter
Nornalup Inlet Track

This Describes how to get from Walpole to the Nornalup Inlet, and covers a short but scenic bush track, with some easy hill climbs, and a medium difficult beach run. The inlet itself is very scenic, and provides a nice fishing spot, and spectacular currents during tide changes.

0Km Start at Walpole Shell Petrol station on main road, heading East
9.0 Cross over the Frankland River bridge
9.6 Pass through Nornalup town centre
10.3 Turn right from main road onto gravel road "Station road". Now is a good time to engage 4WD.
11.9 Turn right towards the "Blue Holes". Gravel road becomes single lane gravel track. Track is firm but corrugated in parts.
12.8 Turn right towards "Blue Holes".
13.6 Gravel ends, track becomes sandy but firm. Caution; track is quite narrow, and runs parallel to a fence.
13.9 Sign saying "Walpole Nornalup National Park". Fishing allowed, but no fires, no dogs, no camping.
14.0 Sign saying lower tyre pressure to 10Psi. Sign also says all vehicles must be road registered; ie. no off road bikes or buggies. Track becomes more lumpy, suggest 20Kph max.
14.2 Steep hill with wooden planks to help traction - easy.
14.6 Pass track on right hand side..
15.6 Y junction; Turn right to bypass sandy hill. (Left track goes over a medium difficult long sandy hill climb)
15.8 Steep hill with wooden planks - easy. Track then merges with other sandy hill track, continue right.
16.0 Beach. Turn right and continue west along beach. NOTE: Beach becomes soft, narrow and sloped in places. It can be quite risky at high tide. Proceed with caution.
22.5 Nornalup Inlet. The sand along the river bank in mostly hard. Enjoy the scenery. DO NOT attempt to cross this river, as it is quite deep, and can flow at a high rate during tide changes!             (c) 4WD Encounter 1998

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 These pages were last updated on 23rd September 1998.
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