Alan's Bush Bashers

Back in my younger days (teenage days), we used to have some fun tearing around in designated off-road areas, in cheap "bush bashers". These cars were basically old wrecks that were destined for the rubbish tip, so we did some basic repairs to them and had some fun. It gave us valuable mechanical repair skills and sideways driving skills!

Datsun 1000 coupe! TC - Where's the picture? This was my first bush basher, a Datsun 1000 coupe. Tony and I found this car dumped in the bush, and thought it might have some good parts, so we trailed it home, stripped it down to bare bones, got a couple of old tires for it, fixed the head gasket, then off it went. It is amazing how fast these are when you remove most body panels, interior, exhaust system and air cleaner!
Datsun 1200 bush basher (1st) My next basher, a Datsun 1200, was bought in (nearly) running condition from my friend Claire for $200. Again it was simply gutted, head gasket replaced, exhaust and inlet systems made "straight through" and then the fun began. This was just as fast, but at least it handled good. I sold this for more than I paid for it!
Datsu 1200 Bush Basher (2nd) This Datsun, also a 1200, was bought by Claire's Venturer's group, to compete in their annual mud bash event. I was asked to prepare it, again basically stripping it, but also providing safety features like kill switch, towing points etc. It passed scrutineering, and finished the event within the top 30% of cars. The engine in this had worn rings and bellowed smoke!

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 These pages were last updated on 30 Jun 2004.