
Wheel Alignment on Pajero by WA Suspensions.
(written 26 Oct 2012)

On 4 July 2012 I took our Pajero to WA Suspensions in Osbourne Park, for a wheel alignment.

Just over 3 months later, I noticed a faint "clunk" sound and slight pull on the steering wheel whenever I applied the brakes (even slightly).

On 25 Oct (so 3 months and 3 weeks after alignment), my girlfriend reported that when turning corners, the steering often would "stick" and not straighten up, along with clunking and "metal scraping" sounds.

On 26 Oct I collected the car from here to check, and found that the right front wheel was moving in and out, and front to rear, about 30mm, when turning, and / or applying the brakes (even slightly). Something was obvioulsly broken, or some bolts had come loose or fallen out.

On same day, I limped it into my mechanic, who checked the vehicle, and found that the bolts securing the right front upper links where completely loose, with a gap of around an inch. This is where shims are placed during front wheel alignment. There were 2 shims still just sitting there loose, and we had no way of knowing how many shims were in there. My mechanic obviously secured the bolts, but not knowing how many shims were in there, means that the alignment was now probably way out, and in need of re-doing it.

Later same day, I called WA Suspensions to discuss the issue with them, and requested that they re-do the alignment for me. They accepted no responsibility for this problem, and told me that they were going to charge me $110 to have the alignment re-done. I proceeded to explain that bolts coming loose on front suspension is not normal, and that as they were the last people to touch these bolts, that it was likely that they were not correctly fastened. They argued the point and again said that I would still have to pay. It is my opinion that this is a company that does not stand by their work, and given the importance of correct adjustment and tensioning of steering components, I feel that they may be releasing vehicles in unsafe condition, as mine was.

I now use another company for my wheel alignments.

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 These pages were last updated on 26 Oct 2012.