Skip's 4x4

Skip's 4x4
Skip's Stew

Skip's (famous?) stew - it's too delicious to be bush tucker!


Skip (Alan) was inspired to create this dish, to satisfy his need for a tasty, easy to eat, and easy to make recipe, based largely on non-perishable foods that would be suitable to take camping and prepare in a bush setting. Interestingly, it is just as well suited to make at home as a quick, wholesome meal, containing many of the essential food groups, and having quite a low fat content. The dish takes on a distinct savoury flavour, with a hint of spicy Asian “satay”. The stew, being nice and thick, is easily eaten with a fork or spoon, as is lovely eaten on it’s own (and the leftovers are real nice served up on toast for breaky the next day too!)

Ingredients (serves 4):

1 can Kraft Braised steak and vegetables
1 can champignons
1 can young corn spears
1 cup of white rice
1 large onion
been sprouts
2 teaspoons of minced garlic (or 2 finely chopped garlic cloves)
2 beef stock cubes
2 teaspoons of Olive oil
1 teaspoon of soy sauce
Half a teaspoon of finely ground pepper
1 tablespoon of Kraft peanut paste


Bring to the boil a largish saucepan with about 5 cups of water in it.
Add the rice, and boil moderately for 10 minutes.
Whilst rice is cooking, heat up a small frypan, with the olive oil in it.
Coarsely chop up the onion & finely chop the garlic (if not using minced garlic)
Brown the onion and garlic in the frying pan.
When the rice has boiled for 10 minutes, add the can of Braised steak and stir in well.
Bring gently back to the boil, stirring often.
Note: The mixture should be thick, but if too thick, add more water.
Add the browned onion and garlic mixture and stir in.
Add all remaining ingredients except for the bean sprouts, and simmer for a few minutes, stirring often.
Add the bean sprouts, and stir in for about a minute.

Enjoy!     � 2001 Alan ("Skip")

Contact Skip (Alan - that's me) for more info. Email me.

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This page was last updated on 17 Sep 2003