Skip's 4x4
Skip's 4x4
Mystery Trip, Dec 1999

Froggy's 40th Birthday "Mystery Trip" on Saturday 11th December 1999.
Participants of this trip
Participants (in order):  Scrounger, Gadget, Froggy, Chewy, Turbo, Skip, Hooligan

Stage 1: Run down the beach from Tim's Thicket to Preston Beach:
All lined up at the start of the trip Letting our tyres down to 15psi at the Entrance to the beach at Tims Thicket The dead flat, calm ocean. Beautiful! Skip and Froggy enjoying a swim Please froggy - PUT YOUR CLOTHS ON! The whole group relaxing at the beach Gadget piloting his Nissan up a steep sand dune Skip (that's me) on top of the world! What a view! Cameron's got that turbo spooled up to about 100000rpm, providing plenty of boost for this hill! Gadget proving that his dog "Hercules" has lock-jaw Time for a spot of lunch, and another swim. For the record, the only swimmers were Skip (me), Froggy, and Turbo! The rest were too scared of the 1 inch waves <grin> Some quick on-the-go repairs to Scrounger's hill climb beast Tyre inflation time at Preston beach

Stage 2: The awesome hill climbs at Dwellingup, including Nanga Hill
Cameron putting the Turbo to the test Getting some air over the crest of a steep hill climb Gadget heading down a narly hill - watch that the auto doesn't runn away from ya Pete! Cameron crossing the deep ruts at the bottom of Nanga hill More rutts to cross!

Stage 3: Froggy's 40th Birthday party at the "Swamp"
The huge spread of food at the swamp - onya Sofia! Some of the mob, having a few drinks 2, 4, 6, 8, bog in, don't wait! Kids everywhere. 2 of them are mine, I think!?!? Froggy, doing the "power play" body language thing! Froggy caught in the act - steeling a kiss! Froggy trying to blow out the candle - or was it trying to blow the Jeep off the cake and replace it with a Toyota!

Contact Skip for more info: Email me!

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