Skip's 4x4
Christmas Hangi feast, at Moore River base-camp, 14th Dec 2002
(Adults + kids): Skip(2+2),
Styx(2+2), Froggy (2+2), Mudslide(2+1), TC(1+2), Chups(2+3), Big Pete(1),
McGyver(2+3), Gone-fishin(2), Little-red-tractor(2), Dusty (2), Captain(2+2),
Rocky(2+3), Brendan(2+1), Digger(2),
Mudrunner (2+1)
Late night visitors: Bullet,
Special Thanks to:
Styx - The Hangi-master. Chief hangi cook and co-ordinator. A job well done! And also, thanks for organising the Hessian sacks, calico & wire mesh. Styx spent all day Saturday at the site. Oh, and thanks for doing all the calculations to work out quantities of food to order.
Big Pete - Supplied the wood, and the trailer to cart it. Also, he supplied the Banana leaves, and spent all day at site.
Skip (me!) - Prepared the hangi pit a few days early. Setup the club's party lights. Supplied lawn mower to mow the weeds, TV, video & ice-cream to entertain the kids. Skip also supplied the Spuds and Pumpkin, and the gen-set fuel.
Andrea (Skip's wife) - Supplied the peas and the corn-on-the-cobs.
Paul - From Cromlin's Hire, for loaning the huge 7KVa gen-set, and carting it home.
Sofia - Supplied the Bread rolls and 4 awesome deserts
Allan Ferguson - Our fellow 4WD enthusiast, who also happens to be a butcher, for supplying such fantastic quality meat!
Contact Skip for more info. Email me
The best computer company: Heppell I.T.,
This page was last updated on 14th Dec 2002