Skip's 4x4
Skip's 4x4
Camping CheckList

(c) Alan (alias "Skip")   

This page contains a comprehensive list of items that may be useful when camping and 4WDing. Some items in this list are more essential than others, and hence you need apply some common sense when deciding which items to bring on your trip. If you were to take everything that is on this list, you may not fit all items in your vehicle! This checklist should be used to provoke thought, and to remind you to bring items which you may not have thought of before.

CLOTHING - Long trousers/jeans
- shorts
- long sleeve shirts
- T shirts
- warm jumpers/pullovers
- water proof jacket
- suitable hat for sun protection
- suitable shoes - sand shoes or boots
- under clothes
- handkerchiefs
- sun glasses (and reading glasses)
- blankets
- sleeping bags or sheets & doonas
- air mattress & foot pump or compressor adapter.
- bathers
- wet suit
- snorkel, goggles & flippers
- scuba gear
- gidgee
- fishing rods
- fishing tackle
- bait
- knife
- sun screen lotion
- surf board, wave ski, wind surfer and accessories
- Sun shelter

NOTE: Always take much more food and water than you need. Allow for 1 weeks extra supply or more if going to remote area. Use non-perishable foods.

- water - large quantity (take more than you need and allow for possible radiator re-fills)
- bread
- tinned food (long shelf life)
- dehydrated food (long shelf life)
- powdered milk
- other powders - milo, coffee, sugar etc.
- biscuits
- butter or margarine
- potatoes (these keep well without refrigeration)
- steak & sausages - must be consumed within 24 hours unless frozen.
- marshmallows
COOKING EQUIPMENT - steel or aluminium pot or frying pan
- Billy or steel kettle (suitable for boiling water)
- Electric kettle (if powered site)- grid or hot plate for cooking on (tripod for Billy)
- jaffa iron
- mug or cup
- plate and/or bowl
- knife, fork, spoon. Carving or camping knife is useful
- can opener
- tee towel and dish washing detergent
- matches (take several boxes - essential)
- fire lighting pellets
- news paper
- gas burner, hoses & fittings
- gas lantern & spare mantles
- gas cylinder (take more than you need)
- large steel pot for cooking craps, lobster etc.
- Toaster (if you have a powered site!)
GENERAL EQUIPMENT - spade or shovel
- rope, several lengths - essential (strong enough to pull car, long enough to pull person out of deep hole)
- Snatch strap (for 4WD recovery) & rated shackles
- High lift jack / air jack
- torch & spare battery
- tarpaulin, large and waterproof
- tent, poles, pegs, rope
- maps of areas that you will be covering
- compass
- pens and pencils
- note pad or paper
- calculator
- knife, the larger & sharper - the better!
- CB radio and Arial (should have spare Arial)
- CB walkie talkie (not essential but useful) & batteries
- multi-band radio or short wave radio & batteries. Useful for receiving weather forecasts & warnings.
- insect repellent
- sun screen lotion
- star picket or similar heavy metal stake
- rigid wire eg. coat hanger wire
- esky with ice, or 12 volt/LPG fridge to keep food cold
- tent with guide ropes, pegs, ground sheet, poles etc.
- Gloves (garden variety)
- ocki straps - very useful for all kinds of bush repairs to vehicle or tent etc.
- Camera / Video camera & film / tapes & batteries
- GPS (Global Positioning System) & batteries
MECHANICAL SPARES - fan belt(s) for water pump, alternator, power steering etc.
- fan belt for air conditioner
- radiator hoses (upper, lower, heater, bypass hoses)
- fuel hose and vacuum hose
- hose clamps (various sizes)
- water pump
- Gasket goo or cement
- engine oil (take enough to re-fill your motor in case all your oil is lost through punctured sump or oil switch or line)
- oil pressure switch or oil gauge line.
- fuel - take spare fuel, and don't transport it inside the cab of the car
- brake fluid
- Auto Transmission fluid
- grease
- spare tyres, make sure the pressure is OK
- tyre valves
- spare tubes for tyres
GENERAL TOOLS - open ended spanners of suitable type
- adjustable spanners
- pipe wrench
- screwdrivers, both flat and fillips
- socket set of suitable type, including ratchet, extensions, universal joints etc.
- spark plug spanner
- hammer
- silicone sealer
- glue - general purpose (5 min araldite)
- jack - suitable for lifting car, preferably high lift mechanical type
- wheel nut spanner
- air compressor (12 volt) or foot pump
- tyre pressure gauge
- metal file
- hacksaw
- nuts, bolts and screws of various sizes
- Gaffer tape
- folding chairs
- chemical toilet
- stereo radio/cassette player
- playing cards
- alcoholic beverages & stubby holders etc.
- board games (monopoly, pictionary etc.)
- Engle Fridge
- Power boards, extension cords, lights etc. (if you have a powered site!)
- 12v to 240v inverter
- Ni-cad battery re-charger
ELECTRICAL SPARES - spark plugs (petrol engines only)
- points (petrol engines only)
- rotor (petrol engines only)
- distributor cap (petrol engines only)
- ignition lead wire (petrol engines only)
- ignition coil  (petrol engines only)
- alternator
- voltage regulator
- fuses,  variety of current ratings
- wire, range of low to heavy gauge (bring heaps)
- spade connectors (crimp connectors, male/female)
- battery (always handy to have a spare car battery)

- jumper leads, heavy duty is best
- multimeter
- soldering iron (12 volt of course!)
- wire strippers
- pliers, standard and long nose
- side cutters
- crimping tool
- solder (with flux built in)
- insulation tape (take several rolls as it is useful for all sorts of repairs, including radiator hoses)
- CRC or WD40 electrical cleaner spray

FIRST AIDE & HYGIENE - soap, for cleaning, stopping fan belt slipping, stopping radiator leaks etc.
- toilet roll paper, take several rolls. Useful for cleaning engine parts & lighting fires.
- deodorant
- tooth brush and tooth paste
- antiseptic cream
- aspirin or disprin
- Band-Aids or similar strips
- bandages (several sizes)
- sling
- scissors
- needle
- safety pins
- contraceptives
- female hygiene items (tampons etc)
- Prescribed medication enough for the trip and a few days spare (stored appropriately)
Kids Stuff: - Summer winter clothes
- Raincoats
- Toothbrushes / brush
- Mattress
- Sleeping bags / pillows
- Spare Blankets
- Teddies / cuddly toys
- Books / Toys / pens
- Bathers / towels
- Joggers / thongs
- Sunglasses / Sunscreen
- Potty
- Tissues / Wet ones          
(C) 2001 Skip's 4x4

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This page was last updated on 9 Nov 2004