Day 2 - Monday 15th
Lake Johnson to Mt Ragged in Cape Arid (473k)
We started the day in style: bacon
& eggs for breaky! Yum! Start odo was 146815. Left lake Johnson camp site 9:15AM, and
headed back up the windy narrow track back to main road (odo 146829 trip 197.9). Heading
East along the gravel road, I noticed the car pulling to the right and pulled over to
check, finding a near flat RH Front tyre at 320 trip. The tyre had got quite hot, but was
caught in time, and hence I believed that it had not begun to damage the side walls. The
track was quite wet, with ocasional mud puddles. Arrived in Norsman 12:00. Fueled up - sub
35 litres, main took 81 litres at 86c per litre, totalling $100. We had pies for lunch,
followed by an icecream.
Reset odo to zero before setting off. We then headed East on the bitumen (highway 1) for a
couple of hours, reaching Baladonia at trip 192.3. We then headed South onto the
dirt towards Cape Arid. This was a rough track, and very dusty, so we kept the cars spaced
out about a kilometer. At 4:30, trip 264.5, there was a Junction to Mt Ragged turn off on
left, which we took. Track became single lane and very rocky, often having to crawl in 1st
gear. At 305.0 we came across the Pine Hill graveyard. At 5:45 we Arrived at the Mt Ragged
campsite (trip 325.9, odo 147288). Setup camp. Dinner - steak & baked spuds &
rice-cream. YUM!
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