Skip's 4x4
Cape Arid Trip 1999
Day 6 - Friday 19th
Hopetown to Broke Inlet (495k)
Start Hopetown Caravan park 8:30 depart
odo 148037. Spoke to a Swiss lady on the way out of the caravan park, who was doing a
world tour in their Toyota Prado (left lahn drive), which was setup very well, with all
mod cons, including the tent on the roof, so that they would not get eaten by lions in
Africa! (see 1st photo) Climbed East Mount Barren (Alan Sarah Beth Rhys) - a very tough
climb, and Rhys passed me going down, whilst I was still climbing! Views from the top were
awesome - right up and down the coast for 30 or 40 Ks. Awesome - very windy at summit. On
photo 2, the 2 small white specs on the track are our cars! Through Fitzgerald Nat Park,
back to main road (highway 1). Got busted by Calm for speeding, which was total crap, and
Russ put him in his place! Switched to sub tank at 528k (since Esperance) Got snack at
Jerramungup. Alan discovered keys for Caravan park DOH! Arrived in Albany about 1:30pm.
Went up Mt Clarrence for a look. Got lunch at Middleton beach - very nice! Fueled up. Odo
148366 TM 728.6 since Esperance - Took 123.5 litres and at 86c/l cost $106.48. Headed out
of Albany 2:30, and Took the scenic lower Denmark road - nice scenery. Russ and co went to
treetop walk (just befor walpole), but as I had already done that, I went on to Walpole
and then the Rest Point Caravan park. Looked for stingray, but saw a pelican attack one -
hilarious!. Left Rest point about 4pm. A bit up the main road, we turned left into Broke
Inlet road, with a view to taking scenic off-road shortcut to Northcliffe. But as the
turnoff to the required track was only 2k from broke inlet, decided to take a look
at broke inlet, even though time was running out. But found a nice campsite, right on the
water and decided to stay. I finally got to launch the kayak, with me, Beth and Rhys
having a go. Had a nice meal, Steak, green beans, Carbonara, fried onions, and pears and
Rice-cream desert. Very cold. Wind dropped off to nothing, but we had a nice campfire.
Stayed up late (doing this report) finish odo = 148532 day = 495k.
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Day 7
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This page was last updated on 24th November 1999