4WD Encounter 2-way Radio Info

Uniden Grant XL 40 Channel AM/SSB CB radioby Skip

This page combines some useful information about common 2-way radios, including CB, UHF and HF-Marine radios, detailing their frequencies, channels, and uses of those channels. It also contains the Phonetic Alphabet, Morse code, and some useful statistics relating to antenna tuning.


Modes of transmission:

AM   Amplitude Modulation
FM   Frequency Modulation
SSB  Single side band (encorporating LSB and USB)
LSB  Lower side band
USB  Upper side band
CW   Continuous Wave (Morse code, On/Off)


A .-   Alpha
B -... Bravo
C -.-. Charlie
D -..  Delta
E .    Echo
F ..-- Foxtrot
G --.  Golf
H .... Hotel
I ..   India
J .--- Juliett
K -.-  Kilo
L .-.. Lima
M --   Mike

0 -----
1 .----
2 ..---
3 ...--
4 ....-

N -.   November
O ---  Oscar
P .--. Papa
Q --.- Quebec
R .-.  Romeo
S ...  Sierra
T -    Tango
U ..-  Uniform
V ...- Victor
W .--  Whiskey
X -..- X-ray
Y -.-- Yankee
Z --.. Zulu

5 .....
6 -....
7 --...
8 ---..
9 ----.

Guide to tuning 2-Way Radio Antenna:




100% Perfect


99.93% Excellent


99.78% Excellent


99% Very Good


96% Good


88% Improve if possible


82% Improve if possible


75% Bad - risk damage

HF Citizen Band (27MHz) Frequency / Channel chart:

Freq.  Old Channel Usage
(MHz)  Ch#

26.965   -   1  AM
26.975   -   2  AM
26.985   -   3  AM
26.985   -   -
27.005   -   4  AM
27.015  (1)  5  AM
27.025  (2)  6  AM
27.035  (3)  7  AM
27.045   -   -
27.055  (4)  8  AM ROAD CHANNEL / TRUCKERS
27.065  (5)  9  AM/SSB EMERGENCY (LEGAL)
27.075   -  10  AM
27.085  (6) 11  AM CALLING (LEGAL)
27.095  (7)  -  AM
27.105  (8) 12  AM
27.115  (9) 13  AM
27.125 (10) 14  AM
27.135 (11) 15  SSB
27.145 - -
27.155 (12) 16  LSB CALLING (LEGAL)
27.165 (13) 17  SSB
27.175 (14) 18  SSB
27.185 (15) 19  SSB
27.195 (16)  -  SSB
27.205 (17) 20  SSB
27.215   -  21  SSB
27.225 (18) 22  SSB
27.235   -  24  SSB (This isn't a typing
27.245   -  25  SSB error. Channel 23 is
27.255   -  23  SSB out of sequence)
27.265   -  26  SSB
27.275   -  27  SSB
27.285   -  28  SSB
27.295   -  29  SSB
27.305   -  30  SSB
27.315   -  31  SSB
27.325   -  32  SSB
27.335   -  33  SSB
27.345   -  34  SSB
27.355   -  35  LSB DX CALLING CHANNEL
27.365   -  36  SSB
27.375   -  37  SSB
27.385   -  38  SSB
27.395   -  39  SSB
27.405   -  40  SSB


HF Marine BAND (27MHz):

MHz Ch# Usage
27.680   Commercial organizations, Ship-shore / intership
27.720   Professional fishermen, Ship-shore / intership
27.820   Professional fishermen, Intership
27.860 1 Secondary distress, Safety / weather info, Amateur organizations
27.880 2 Emergency channel, Prioroty distress
27.900 4 General, Ship-shore, Amateur organizations (Calling and working)
27.910 5 General, Ship-shore, Amateur organizations (Calling and working)
27.940 6 Club events, Ship-shore / intership (Calling and working)
27.960   Amateur organizations, Intership
27.980   Surf rescue

UHF Citizen Band (476MHz)

Freq. Channel Usage

476.425   1  FM  Repeater output
476.450   2  FM  Repeater output
476.475   3  FM  Repeater output
476.500   4  FM  Repeater output
476.525   5  FM  EMERGENCY
476.550   6  FM  Repeater output
476.575   7  FM  Repeater output
476.600   8  FM  Repeater output
476.625   9  FM
476.650  10  FM
476.675  11  FM  Calling
476.700  12  FM
476.725  13  FM
476.750  14  FM
476.775  15  FM
476.800  16  FM
476.825  17  FM
476.850  18  FM
476.875  19  FM
476.900  20  FM

Freq. Channel Usage

476.925  21  FM
476.950  22  FM
476.975  23  FM
477.000  24  FM
477.025  25  FM
477.050  26  FM
477.075  27  FM
477.100  28  FM
477.125  29  FM
477.150  30  FM
477.175  31  FM  Repeater input
477.200  32  FM  Repeater input
477.225  33  FM  Repeater input
477.250  34  FM  Repeater input
477.275  35  FM  Repeater input
477.300  36  FM  Repeater input
477.325  37  FM  Repeater input
477.350  38  FM  Repeater input
477.375  39  FM
477.400  40  FM  Road / Truckies
(c) 4WD Encounter 1998

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 These pages were last updated on 23rd Jan 2000.
Hits since 14th October 1998: Hit Me!