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Check out these new articles!

Click on titles below to link to stories

Story description Author
Are 4WD's Safer How do 4WDs saftey rate compared to 2WD sedans? by Mark Peacock (Sep 1998)
Diesel vs Petrol Which is the better engine? What are the advantages and disadvantages. by Mark Peacock (July 1999)
Julimar tracks closed Another 4WD track is closed. Why? And will it be for good? by Mark Peacock (Oct 2000)

Supercharged 100 Series Cruiser

A Test drive of a 100 series Supercharged Cruiser

by Rick McDowell (July 1999)

Big Horsepower Nissan Diesel

How to get massive horsepower from a Nissan Diesel via Turbocharging

by Gareth Bosley (July 1999)

Dual Difflocked VW Transporter

Read about Australia's only factory fitted Dual Difflocked VW Transporter by Rick McDowell (July 1999)

Tyre Trivia

Historical and Statistical information about tyres anonymous (July 1999)

Enjoying life with an old model Pajero

The advantages and pitfalls in buying an older model Pajero by Rhett Winter (May 1999)

Camping CheckList

Checklist of items to bring when going bush! by Skip (November 1998)

2-Way Radio Info

Useful information about 2-Way Radios

by Skip (October 1998)

Vehicle Modifications on a Budget 

How I modified my 4WD on a budget. 

by Mark Peacock (April 1998)

Diff Locks 

The mysteries of Diff Locks explained

by Mark Peacock (April 1998)

The How To for novices

A humorous explanation of 4WDriving for the novice 4WDriver

by Mark Peacock (April 1998)

Water Crossings

Tips on how to negotiate water crossings

by Skip (April 1998)

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 These pages were last updated on 13th Jan 2002.
Hits since 17th June 1998: Hit Me!