4WD Encounter

Welcome to our new Humour section. Here, we will have funny stories of Four-Wheel-Drive outings that went wrong, and hilarious photos! Most of these would not have been funny at the time!! Have you got a funny story? email it to us!

Story title

Story description


How did the Mercedes rate on the test track?


What not to do with a brand new Jeep

Comdey Caption: Here are the winners of our comedy caption competition:

Climbing a tree! March's winning caption was "I told you that my approach angle was 90 degrees!" For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left.
Dec - Feb comedy Caption December's, January and February's, winning caption was "Three barks!! what the ##@!! E& 1! does three barks mean"For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left.
August's, September's October's and November's  winning caption was "Aussie kids are Weetbix kids" For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left.
July's Top 5 captions July's winning caption was "Oh, Indicators show depth in METRES!"For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left
June's top 5 captions June's winning caption was "AAAAaaa,CHOOoooo!!"For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left
May's Top 5 Captions May's winning caption was "Naarrrg! mate, your going overboard! Most blokes just tie old shoes and tinnies to the back of the brides car."For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left
April's top 5 captions April's winning caption was "Always drive with your lights on, when carrying a wide load. (well side lights anyway.)"For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left
February/March's Top 5 Captions February/March's winning caption was "Smile mate, at least make it look like were having a good time"For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left.
January's Top 5captions January's winning caption was "Don't wind down the windoOOOOWWWWW."For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left.
December's Top 5 captions December's winning caption was "I said NO, not go !!!" For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left.
November's top 5 captions November's winning caption was "This isn't quite the Ocean Views that I wanted from our campsite"For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left.
October Caption ALL October's  captions werealong the lines of "this is what I want to be when I grow up" so no individual winner was declared this month.
Septembers Comedy caption photo September's winning caption was "Conserve fuel - use two wheel drive, not four !". For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left.
August's Comedy Caption photo August's winning caption was "Look, a sand goon on a sand dune!!". For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left.
July's comedy caption July's winning caption was "Oh what a feeling - Toyota!". For the top 5 captions, click on the image to your left

Do you have a funny story or photo? Then please email it to us for inclusion on this page.
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 These pages were last updated on 5th July 2000.
Hits since 16th July 1999: Hit Me!