Skip's 4x4
Cape Arid Trip 1999

Day 3 - Tuesday 16th
Mt Ragged to Jorndee Creek in Cape Arid (104k)

Breaky - bacon and eggs. Start odo 147288. Hit the road at 9:20AM. Very rough track, lots of rocks, so used 1st gear a lot. Also some very soft and muddy sections. Got to poison creek at 11:00am odo 147392. Rhys & Grenn went fishing, but got nothing, as they were having trouble casting into the strong southerly winds. Lunch - toasted ham and cheese sanga. Spent all day just being plain lazy. I repaired my damaged tyre and re-installed it onto my car. Dinner - strogonof & vegies & pasta - Ricecream and pears. I tell you, we eat well when out bush! Along comes the ranger, who told us off for preparing a fire place. Bumma - we didn't even get to light it! He also wondered why we put up our tents near the shelter instead of the proper tent bays, but accepted our explanation that it was too windy, and we wanted the tents near the shelter. Whilst walking along the rocks, Russ went arse up in the rock pool, wetting his shoes, and causing some minor pain (nothing that a beer didn't fix!). Later that night, Russ tried using his HF radio to make a phone patch call to Perth, but was unsuccessful, but managed to speak to an operator in Perth who promised to pass the message on.

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Hits since 21st November 1999: Hit Me!
This page was last updated on 23rd November 1999